Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Natural Remedies and Precautions to Prevent Catching a Cold or the Flu

Medicine. Why is it so difficult for some to believe that the natural healthy body is equipped with nature to fight the germs that cause the body gets sick? To be honest, the human body is able to quickly free of foreign matter, without the help of human medicine. In some cases, natural medicine inadvertently leads to health problems caused by side effects or online immediately after application. However, when the body needs a helping hand, there are all natural resources as an alternative.

Medicine. I work in a place where you can serve many children in contact with his parents five days a week. I cannot help but notice that every time a child or an adult vaccine against the flu, most end up with a terrible fight against the flu itself. I'm sure there's a medical reason, but I prefer this way to store all the time. And I did. With simple, natural remedies, which are kept in the cold and flu Bay over 40 years? I can honestly say that the only time I was sick in that capacity (five in total) was, if not immediately available. So what's the secret? It's not really a secret. In fact, common sense with a little help from Mother Nature mixed.

Medicine. Most people are aware that the white distilled vinegar is strong enough to remove bacteria and raw honey is soothing for the throat to fight. If 1 / 3 white vinegar and honey mixed 02.03 has not been tested as well, but retain all the natural remedies and sending air born germs at bay. If 2-3 tablespoons full of the drink is taken orally, vinegar will immediately begin to fight and kill bacteria in the sinuses, while the thickness of honey in the stomach pushed. If allbacteria the stomach acid will kill him.

Have you noticed that the weight of the symptoms of a cold or flu seriously in the morning? This is because the breasts of the night with the bacteria to multiply until they mounted the reason why an adult, mucus, colds are imported. So it's a very clever idea, honey and vinegar before a nap or sleep at night.

Because the nose hair is in the air and the shipment to avoid germs, it's also a good idea to take a Q-Tip, a small dip mixture of warm water and salt. Brush to remove hair in the dirt and bacteria from the nose. If you have a problem with ear infections, have a cotton pad clean and dry before going to bed is a great help for all bacteria drops back and keeps the nose and sinuses.

Here is some common sense advice for staying healthy this winter:

1) Wash your hands with antibacterial soap all day, if necessary.

2) After touching your face with your hands all day long (nose, mouth and ears), because their hands were contaminated choir certainly in contact with various objects by germs.

3) Use natural peroxide to clean the door handles, sink taps, etc., which often ... hell, bring a small bottle with you for use in public toilets.

4) Oral 100% pure honey and distilled white vinegar four times a day during flu season,especially before a nap or a night in bed to take.

The above, while maintaining a healthy daily diet rich in nutrients, proteins and vitamins during the year at the normal rate. After implementing this simple program, and in practice the necessary precautions the chances of catching a cold very often. The bodies were made with a strong immune to the growth of harmful substances in our body. But sometimes you need help. If it works, why a foreign substance, if you stay on track! Even if it does not work for some people, unless you are allergic, can be absolutely no damage to the body ,now or in the long term. Medicine.


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