Saturday, November 19, 2011

Use Silicone Supplements for Healthy Nails Health

Silicone. If you are looking for a specific product for strengthening nails look better, you're in the right place. Many men and women began to be more "have and be able to see. It makes sense to do so because the nails, "for your health, your nails, it's like watching and tell a lot about our overall health.

Silicone. Under a load of silicon is one of the best ways to improve and strengthen nails and hair, to make it attractive. The human body has the function of silica mineral, and life could not be maintained if not this compound would be present. Silica silicon, also known as an important food source for nails and other body systemsIn fact, this mineral is found naturally in our bodies at birth. Unfortunately, as we age, we begin to reduce the levels of silica, and we have no time to ensure proper operation. You've probably wondered why children and young people who have skin as smooth and hair. For this reason, to go on silica supplement is something we all do from time to time. If it does not provide quantities of silicic acid the body is the aging process begins to install much faster, which is very premature wrinkles, hair and brittle nails, thinning bones (due to silica is an important mineral to support the health of the skeletal system).

Silicone. The healthsbenefits through a silica supplement provide important are numerous: improved skin elasticity and flexibility to ensure your teeth and gums and makes hair and nails are in perfect condition. It is known that silicon is a major enemy of hair loss. This mineral promotes and supports the development of cells, increases metabolism and prevents the aging process. For grade silica supplements helps collagen (connective tissue of the body) to regenerate and maintain healthy bones and cartilage and ensures the proper functioning of internal organs.

Finally, silica is very necessary for all bodily processes. On the other hand, none of the compounds of calcium, magnesium, boron and iron are absorbed by our body. Scientific studies have confirmed that the compounds of calcium, silicon and others would be completely useless because they do not assimilate. The composition of calcium, silica and vitamin D, you have the perfect combination for a strong and healthy nails.

If you decide to buy supplements silica stronger nails and overall health, we must be patient and wait at least a month to start seeing a positive change. It is advisable to give your body a rest time to complete on time. There are natural food sources of silica, such as barley, wheat, oats and sunflower seeds, onions, strawberries, etc. Silicone.


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