Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What is Telemedicine?

Telemedicine. The rising cost of health care and limited access to doctors in some areas does not mean business as usual, meets all health needs. However, there is a concept of health, for example, telemedicine, the promise of busy physicians and patients who could benefit from their experience shows. Telemedicine is the practice of using digital technologies such as computers, smart phones and television to address the health problems later. At the lowest level, a patient may be able to connect a site health provider at any time for a meeting followed. The use of cameras, the supplier may face to face with a patient without the patient came to the office. Telemedicine can participate as a means of world-renowned in the medical treatment of diseases such as cancer. A specialist can provide another doctor to "sit" in consultation with a patient who comes to the office for care. The use of telemedicine can happen to a patient without a second opinion from one doctor to another.

Telemedicine. Telehealth can have major consequences. It can be used at national or global, where the best minds in the health sector to address some of the most difficult cases to deal with. Example in developing countries where resources are limited to healthcare professionals, resource expansion of telemedicine. Experts from countries with abundant resources in the health sector in developing countries to help in diagnosis and treatment options for the help.  

Telemedicine. In the center of town, rural and remote areas where health resources are limited, the fight against health inequalities experienced by people of telemedicine with limited access to medical care. This includes minorities, the elderly and others with limited resources, who can not afford health care. Telehealth is the perfect solution for those without access to traditional services. With the help of a nurse or other health care access to a laptop, a physician, the patient needs and progress. It can diagnose a disorder and recommend treatment, especially if a nurse is present, which can cause a physical examination.

Telemedicine can be used as a tool for special education for physicians. Teaching hospitals are able to connect with hospitals in smaller communities. With the consent of the patient, doctors and nurses procedures such as surgery.

Another application of telemedicine in disaster and rescue operations. If it is possible to connect a computer or smartphone, you can save lives by using the methods of telemedicine. A trauma specialist can save or some other method to stabilize a patient until he or she can talk to a hospital or other medical facility.

Telehealth is an option for the patient education or health education. For example, in an area where there is no funding for diabetes education, church or other institution to provide a meeting place in the formation of small groups or individuals can be helpful.
Expect more widespread telemedicine. Efforts to reform health care is more cost effective ways to treat to achieve. For routine medical care, where a complete physical examination is not required, the possibility of telemedicine, patients should be maintained on health resources. Telemedicine.

Keep the Asthma Away with Electronic Air Cleaner

Did you know that electronic air cleaner, the electric field to devour all particles and allergens, to make sure you have the cleanest air. These are the central filter system at home and even on portable devices, installed its use. Electrostatic air filters and electronic are capable of removing particles smaller than 1 micron. 

Electronic Air Filter. The air circulates in your home cooling system includes the number of dust particles and allergens other. Every time you turn it on, the electronic air filter technology used electrostatic precipitator’s electrostatic attraction mainly to capture particles. The air enters the filter through ionization, where to obtain particles of electric charge. Then, in the collector (flat), has the opposite charge to collect particles on the surface and let the fresh air.

Types of electronic air cleaner
    * Electrostatic precipitator
    * Loaded with filter media
There are a number of charged plates in the electrostatic filter to collect particles. Collections of pre-charged particles, and therefore more effective than the defendant filter, where the fibers are responsible for collecting the particles.

Advantages of electronic air cleaners
    * Electronic Air Cleaners are very efficient and save money by cleaning the heating and cooling.
    * People with respiratory diseases have benefited greatly.
    * Therefore, a lifetime later replacement, leading to a character with the surroundings. That also means you save on replacement value.
    * This filter is very effective, because it purifies the air of 99%.
    * It is also very easy to maintain and can be charged without washing each filter capacity.
    * Also compatible with all types of HVAC systems.

Disadvantages of electronic air cleaners :

    * This filter can often seem ineffective to remove large particles in the air.
    * Ozone is a lung irritant. Make sure the model you want from the depletion of the ozone layer to purchase, which can be distinguished by the model.
    * The ozone can react with certain chemicals, such as air purifiers inside, hardwood floors, colors; ultra-fine particles that cause the disease are influenced by the way.

The best brands of electronic air cleaner

    * Honeywell
    * Air filter dynamic
    * Whirlpool.

Six Factors that Cause Fatigue

Fatigue. Under high pressure in modern society, many women feel tired all day, but do not know what the real problems. According to American experts, there are basically six factors that can cause fatigue in women.

1. Cardiovascular disease
Fatigue. If you still feel very exhausted after cleaning the work, the garden or continuously, you must be careful to prevent cardiovascular disease. Experts say that many women are unaware that they are heart disease, while heart disease is the leading cause of death among women. If you are able to realize the treatment of cardiovascular disease as quickly as possible to reduce fatigue

2. Eating too much caffeine
Fatigue. To refresh the mind, many people like coffee and cola. But for women, if they are too much caffeine may cause the opposite effect and lead to fatigue and sleepiness. While women often feel tired, they should drink less coffee and tea, and eat less chocolate.

3. Food allergy
Food can provide energy for the human body, but when the body is allergic to certain foods, so people sleepy and tired all day, what are the symptoms of food allergy. In this case, you should eat less or not eating foods that can cause food allergies.

4. Urinary tract infection
when women suffer from urinary infections are also a feeling of fatigue. In most cases, urinary tract infection caused by bacteria in the urethra it can be cured with antibiotics. After one week of fatigue.

5. Hypothyroidism
If you are lazy and feel depressed, and then you probably suffer from hypothyroidism. Statistics show that women after 60 years would be approximately 20% of them suffer from fatigue due to dysfunction of the thyroid. At this point, cans the relevant hormone, improve thyroid function and relieve fatigue.

6. Anemia
Anemia, the amount of hemoglobin, while hemoglobin is responsible for the conversion of oxygen to various body parts. If there is not enough oxygen in the tissues of the body, people feel tired. Women after childbirth or menstruation are most likely to suffer from anemia. Moreover, the lack of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12 also cause anemia. In this case a better quality meat, spinach and more red to eat can improve the anemia and eliminate the symptoms of fatigue.

Radiation Protection - Two Easy Steps

Radioactivity is the superposition of the United States now, thanks to the Japanese nuclear industry cannot understand his policy was the focus of a fault zone and the sea. As we go away, and because they emit radiation, are constantly, and the engineers of the amount of leak-off, it's not the end of 2011 (if then), we must protect our families now.

Radiation. Step 1: Wash fruits and vegetables before eating. If you buy their products in large retail chains, you have to do - you never know who was handling before buying and do not know what they were handling their food before it is!
Even if the growth of your own food, wash the plants before eating them this is the substance of the washing plant and then radiation.

Radiation. Step 2: Strengthen the immune system, offering protection against radiation while that might be in other foods such as milk, cheese, eggs, etc., I have produced animals that feed on contaminated pastures there are two very powerful foods that will help protect your immune to radiation.
Chlorella is a natural, whole. There is a microscopic, unicellular freshwater green micro alga, which many useful nutrients in our food contain.

Eliminates toxins and stimulate your body. Compared to other foods that contain the greatest amount of chlorophyll, Chlorella, Beta-carotene and RNA / DNA nucleic acids contain.
Chlorella is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the immune system, which is essential for good health to increase, with ulcers, gastritis, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, and much more. For disposal as an adjuvant in the treatment of cancer, radioactive particles in the body after the radiation used if not, then you could get any kind of radioactive contamination in Japan continue to be taken lightly.

The pollen is the second reminder of the immune system strong; you can use to protect them. This amazing substance contains all known vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential proteins, amino acids, enzymes, coenzymes and hormones in men. Bee pollen stimulates metabolism and regulates and balances the effects of toxic substances, pollutants and drugs. By providing food and help the effects of toxic substances, strengthens the body's defenses.

To work well for these two products, chlorella, the diversity of cells divided and bee pollen should be treated in the cold when the heat is used for the process, many essential enzymes.

These are two very simple things to do with each other for protection against the effects of radiation, but in small quantities. However, even in small quantities, as the radiation accumulates in the body, the possibility that the disease is increasing, even years later. Radiation.

Pasta Meals

Pasta Diet Comfort food is good, bad, low in saturated fat, calories, salt and sodium, fiber, good vitamins, minerals, iron, clay is an ideal, flexible and inexpensive nutritious.

Federico Fellini, "Life is a combination of magic and pasta"
• Pasta is the Italian 13th century, Marco Polo, will be invented in China.
• This is Canadian pasta, durum wheat, to take good taste.
• From the Canadian wheat imported from Italy and high quality Italian pasta exports.
• There are now very popular, with hundreds of countries around the world to pasta.
• More than 600 varieties of the pulp.
• The term comes from Italian pasta label, which is a combination of flour and water.
• Traditional Italian pasta al dente tough, not soft boiled in Italy.

Pasta, health benefits:
• One of the pastes on a healthy diet. Cup of cooked pasta has 200 calories, less than 1 gram fat, 40 grams carbohydrates, provides a very low sodium and cholesterol.
• A large number of vitamin B and iron, riboflavin, thiamine and niacin much good, too.
• This is because essential amino acids, six of vegetarian protein, protein-vegetarian sauce for the increase of volatile matter it contains wise to replace a good source of red meat, and meat.
• It has a capacity of renewable energy. Participants need to raise dough on the carbohydrate glycogen and activities to save time.
• Complex carbohydrates fuel muscles and brains pasta. Recommended dietary guidelines should be used derived from carbohydrates as much as 65% of healthy nutrition.
• Cellulose fiber helps bowel function. Whole wheat pasta has three times the fiber with a white paste.
• The nutritional value of pasta, healthy ingredients, in fact, filled with noodles nutritious food sources include: fish, lean meats, chicken, garlic, onions, vegetables, tomatoes, lemon juice and olive oil. For it is necessary for its high content of saturated fatty acids in the sauce, noodles and so on to avoid. Low fat yogurt is a good choice.
• When the pasta is not fattening control of consumption. How much weight on how many calories you eat each. Production of durum wheat flour and treatment is another way. 
• A low glycolic index GI pasta does not have an immediate rise in blood sugar levels. Glycemic index, the greater the number, the greater raise in blood glucose response to carbohydrates your blood sugar for the easy way. Whole wheat pasta and brown in a lower GI Increase over the pasta and fiber low glycemic index
• A whole-wheat noodles, folic acid, calcium, zinc, iron and vitamin E is an excellent skin and hair is a good source of antioxidants. Pasta.

Onions - Health Benefits and Nutrition

Onion or "Alliums cepa" belongs to the lily family of plants. The other members of this family are the shallots, garlic, leeks, etc. There are over 500 varieties of green onion, yellow onion, white onion and much more. Any form of race has its unique aroma and flavor, very difficult to get a bit sweet. Not only the onions have been used for centuries in the eastern part, to add flavor to food, but also known for their therapeutic, medicinal and decorative.

Onion contains sulfur oxides, sulfides and thiosulfinates which attract the eye to produce effects. The thiosulfinates exhibit antimicrobial properties, onions are produced very effective in treating infections caused by E. coli, Bacillus subtilis and Salmonella do. Research has clearly shown that the onions are very useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis and lower cholesterol. The sulfur in onions helps to lower blood pressure and lower blood lipids. In addition, onions are a natural source of food rich in flavonoids, which are known to protect against heart disease should be created.

Like onions, a connection with fibrinolytic activity, which makes an excellent natural blood thinner and helps to suppress platelet aggregation. Onion and a rich food source of fructose-oligosaccharides, which inhibit growth of harmful bacteria and stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon Red onions contain antioxidants that protect against tumor growth, especially in the colon.
 In addition, the use of onions for the effective treatment of anorexia, sneezing and coughing. The onion is useful in treating various health problems such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, insomnia, bronchitis, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. There is also a natural remedy for inflammation of the nerves or "vertigo" and treatment of skin disorders like vitiligo, warts and freckles. It's a little laxative it is advantageous for the nails, hair and eyes, helps with tapeworms and other parasites to kill in the gut and increases the excretion of urine. In addition, the onions reduce bronchoconstriction bronchospasm due to age of the patient of allergic asthma.

With regard to the nutritional value of onions, it contains many vitamins and minerals. Onion is a rich source of vitamins A, B and C. Minerals are phosphorus, calcium and potassium. To his surprise, it also contains protein and carbohydrates 1.4mg/100gm 10.2gm/100gm. The calorific value is 45 per 100 g. Onion.

Green Vibrance

Green Vibrance has the reputation of a game. It's really a great victory of the plant for the production of certified organic plants and plant extracts. Once we have done in many different sources in different places, and gather opinions and comments of various people of all ages and backgrounds come to the conclusion. This product not only offers cost-effective results, the impact on how you feel, but greatly improve the way you work your whole body. All components of this product are carefully because of the health benefits that anyone can offer is selected. 

But the real beauty of Green Vibrance is the way to the green, green vegetables and correlated with each other to form a unit with a mission to spread to other important systems of the body. Adding them to your life, your health improves muscular system, respiratory, endocrine, genitourinary, nervous, integumentary, cardiovascular / circulatory, digestive, reproductive and immune systems. It also helps the body absorb nutrients more easily. What more could you want! Another point to note that no negative side effects or adverse record the only way anyone would come from a position that is allergic to any ingredient may be may cause a negative reaction. Moreover, it seems safe enough.

Green Vibrance immune system if a cold or flu in the office or even at home, it seems that users go to Green Vibrance. Also, if you have a cold green strength will help you feel better and speed up the recovery process like no other. Pain, colds and sneezing are usually much smaller and better tolerated than usual.

Many people say they are generous burst of energy, feeling almost immediately after drinking. It encourages and helps your mind to feel less foggy. It contains a good amount of antioxidants and probiotics that we usually get enough food. Even those who have a balanced diet are still missing. The intensity of the green making multi-vitamin is probably not worth it.

A healthy digestive system is essential to maintain good health. Without the proper disposal of waste and toxins in our body, which can be very harmful? Fortunately, because the large amount of chlorophyll is concentrated toxins and other waste collected over time by the body. Twenty-one billion probiotics in each serving of Green Vibrance, to provide a stable digestive tract It's more than any other super into existence.

If your body is always the right diet that is naturally feels happier. With the improvement of systems of the body of your work in sync with others, even improve your mood. A healthy diet can help fight the negative activity in your body, like cortisol, a stress hormone.
 Green Vibrance contains powerful antioxidants that help detoxify the body and slow the aging process, so that you are young and dynamic. Beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E are present in all of this formulation, clear, and each plays a role in the fight against free radicals. Calcium in leafy vegetables, so that their bones are stronger and more durable the intensity of the green and a green earth or grass All you need is one serving per day, size, and all other emotions. You can mix with water or juice, as you prefer. Recommendation of the wonderful acai juice, apple juice, V8 or one of the famous drinks Mix of flavors, and even some Green Vibrance points and perfectly healthy.

Then, for all does not appear at the factory to save our lives swallow this time they have waited so long. Finally, the full supply raw green drink, continuous power, now and in the future. Green Vibrance.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

General Information About Asthma

Asthma, upper respiratory tract, respiratory ailments and sometimes chronic respiratory disease that affects the rock block. Work and family - things that can interfere with breathing allergic reaction to the environmental cause seizures are the cause or not. Allergic asthma, genetic predisposition is suspected; the mechanism is not yet fully understood. From childhood on, many people, adults can have asthma.

Asthma, bronchial hyper responsiveness, and chronic smoking can lead to lung diseases and. Asthma, bacterial infections or other causes of environmental factors and the type. Asthma can occur in humans, pulmonary edema or heart failure (fluid in the lungs) is caused. Attacks, the intensity, duration and frequency changes. More frequently in case of complications in the future rosy annoying, research and treatment should be avoided is very useful when the risk to health. In general, when the light suddenly attacked the fire, pain, coughing or wheezing trying not clear the properties of air. 

Asthma. Smooth muscle contraction, mucus secretion and bronchial inflammation and increased mucous membranes: These attacks are as follows: a narrow airway due to an abnormal load and deposition Prayer (organ) and bronchial reactions. It is therefore to pray and sold bronchial secretions and cough is really unusual viscosity. Have a hard time breathing the inhaled air pollutants increase the number of moles of feels like a breath of fresh air. Results in the sense of unity in a serious attack, shortness of breath you long enough to make an emergency measure in order to reduce the attack

Cause of Asthma 

In most cases, more than 50 million people suffer from asthma, especially to determine the direct cause The identity of the cause of these diseases in a particular allergen easily, quickly, especially if genetic occurs early. In particular, dust mites, mold, hair, fur, animal, dairy, eggs, feathers, and the most common cause of milk.

Respiratory tract infections in all ages, sports and other non-allergic or sensitive to cold air after the first attack, similar elements In many cases of adults, such as Mon chemical gases and other pollutants, for example, the airline industry as a threat by occupational exposure. Tobacco smoke in the environmental sensitivity of snuff is another important factor. The main reason for many diseases, most are not experts on the basis of disease, children and adults, complications, causes, and sometimes emotional and mental stress on the role of consent as a.

The treatment of asthma 

The treatment of asthma symptoms was the last setting is no longer effective medications available to help. If it is confirmed by the injection of substances associated with the disease do not distinguish between reasons for treatment. To avoid the allergen in question, it is an animal or a contamination in the workplace, suggesting that many substances such as dust, your participation in particular, it is very difficult. In this case, the choice of a life-changing drug therapy is recommended. Asthma patients should avoid smoking.

The treatment of asthma

Agency connections and tunnel relaxation expand the role of bronchodilators, including the components of commonly used products and the respiratory tract. The treatment of severe allergic reaction to attack is known about the inhalers are require to.

These agents, alone or in combination, reduce the expected results of bronchial muscle relaxation and edema, mucous membranes, mucus plug is greater than the number of flight or whether to take cortisone injections in the form of inflammation of corticosteroid aerosol, block the release give oral compound available that can be drawn on their own. Steroids are usually for the treatment of patients with severe asthma without notice used under medical supervision. Currently, to prevent attacks, reduce respiratory symptoms and biofeedback techniques to the traditional method, the duration of a part. Approximation of the authorized medical facilities, to ensure that the victims of deception in order to prevent the need

Complications and preventive measures

Asthma treatment, they accumulate in sensitive tissues, bag, to prevent the further expansion of the operating point of attack in order to improve the bronchi, because a model of the results, you can lose elasticity. But in fact, risk, and your heart attack, respiratory distress his treatment by the existing property on your breathing, especially if the rapid development of recommendations. People with respiratory problems, asks your doctor to come. Asthma.

Fight Against Obesity

Obesity. Our business has a major impact in the safety of victims. When a new type of bread, it undeniably does not add source, artificial words from a health food store The differences in the diet, from the simple fact that there are other body which is a healthy, is concerned, natural resistance may be recommended. Since the influence in Hawaii

Obesity is a major cause of death in many diseases. Diabetes, heart disease and heart disease Besides Hawaii, other forms of unwanted effects it is a healthy fat is not indicated antibodies. In the stomach, affordable, in a very profitable food badly damaged, empty prisons and the presence of other substances in food. First, because he's such a unique flavor and add more food. But, your response to various types of high-impact sublimation residue Taste of food is known to increase brain and vision problems, cancer, heart attack, but. Of fast food can be a tendency to Hawaii and fatty foods and excessive consumption of lead-fat diet.

Obesity. Fat, blocking the blood flow blockage in cholesterol and blood vessel to attack the enemy's heart for our salvation, are overweight, and look forward to your home. Type 2 diabetes, in particular (the pancreas) in patients with other systems to obesity, diabetes, to prevent high-pitched voice of the arteries (about a lot of fat suppression of lung cancer, would breathe I heavy, weighing) compressive strength in the sleep- apnea, bone and kidney, breast, endometrial, colon and rights.

Can cause obesity on the health effects of some diseases Thursday, lead and other diseases based on bone and physical development this is a great sorrow for the additional weight of the perfect. Lead to neck pain, pain in his knees, with your mouth, especially that of the disease Not life threatening, it is your daily exercise to prevent.

Accommodation and meals you are not damaged for life, you can change. The mentioned above, clearly shows the benefits of healthy weight loss. For the right of digital information, continue to eat healthy diets and physical weight. You can eat the right steps to overcome obesity. Obesity.

Boswellia and Health Benefits

Boswellia, also known as "Indian frankincense," or "Salai guggal" as we know, is used in Ayurveda medicine for a wide range of diseases. Genre tree family Burseraceae plant is native to tropical America Boswellia but some species occur in Africa and Asia. Boswellia oleo-gum resin, popularly known as the incense was used in biblical times, such as incense and medicine.

Boswellia resin from the rubber tree is home to plants in India and is widely used in Ayurveda practices. The plants of this family are characterized by leaves that alternate along the stem, and numerous pamphlets, flowers solitary or in clusters and fleshy fruits together.

Boswellia supports the overall flexibility of the body and gives a feeling of wellbeing. It contributes to the proper functioning of joints. Grass also acts as a COX-2 and relieves pain and inflammation without the stomach. Relieves arthritis and helps in the treatment levels of synovial fluid that lubricates joints and facilitates movement. Boswellia is also known for the normal function of the airway.

Boswellia resin has antiseptic, expectorant, diuretic and anti-inflammatory that helps in the treatment of various diseases. The herb helps to reduce joint inflammation in people with arthritis and is also used against fever and convulsions.

Studies show that Boswellia may be beneficial for people with asthma. A study in the 1998 study showed that 70 percent of patients receiving 300 mg three times daily for six weeks Boswellia improvement in their symptoms (including number of attacks) showed, against 27 percent of patients in the control. Boswellia is also known, the physical characteristics of people with arthritis of the knee and improve rheumatoid arthritis. These anti-inflammatory properties are effective in reducing the swelling and pain and convenience.

Recent studies have shown that anti-inflammatory Boswellia, a number of active ingredients that are commonly referred to as boswellic acids. In animal studies have shown significantly reduce inflammation Boswelllia. The grass prevents inflammatory white blood cells infiltrate the damaged tissue. They are also known to improve blood flow to the joints. 

The active ingredient in boswellia is boswellic acid, functions as a cream for the facial muscles to relax and promotes micro-contractions, which reduces wrinkles and prevention. The acid also has anti-inflammatory that helps reduce pain and swelling. Boswellia has no known side effects. Studies show that the grass is higher than over-the-counter medications, side effects, in terms of efficiency and a minimum. Some of the many types of tablets of grass, capsules and tablets as well as the number of creams that can be directly applied to the affected skin. Boswellia.

Poppy - What is it, Why it?

What is the poppy? 
Poppy (only meyeni peruvianum or single) is one of the most powerful of all rare plant species. Purple and pink is better known as "Poppy." It grows in the same area, under the same conditions, other plants, so the option of quickly MAKI, and unique features in common still. In recent years, it was two years later, I was not just my preference, but also by force majeure, tasting, trying, frankly, has become very popular.

Do you like another red poppy?
The roots to dry, when you visit a farm, Cream and black / yellow distinction, you can easily and quickly to the red poppy. Has a slightly different color for each. This is a red variety of phytonutrients most analytical evidence, some of these compounds in the high proportion of opium same nutrients institutional support anti-tumor and antioxidant activity of high-quality organic milk. Other alkaloids phytonutrients slightly higher, including tannins and saponins, steroids Showmen incomplete

Poppy has the same taste?
Another important difference is the taste Macas between black and cream / yellow and red poppies. Most people will taste tender, soft to be found. We are real, meaning that a thin caramel found. Customers, we recently red poppies, which the kids like oatmeal instead of sugar, so sweet, you know, has written to us!
The red poppy has been studied?

The number of poppy cultivation and scientific interest in health care workers. Especially the red poppy, three from the perspective of the critical studies :

   The first, poppy red varieties are the most important, endocrine and 2005, 3.5 "reproductive biology" was published in the journal. The researchers reported those eight to 42 days. - "Red Poppy, the size of the rat ventral prostate Mac much cream or yellow / black-free, reducing" the working group, the seven functional areas, the highest mountain of red maca obtained "Power analysis and low median Mac / Mac Black creamy yellow and chemical plants continue to report. "

   Second, 2010, University of Peru in the rat ovary, Lima, has a study published in the opium is removed the effect of the bone structure to study. It appeared that the two "the protective effect of red and black maca ox rats, bone structure shows the weight of the uterus by the action of estrogen is not."

   Third, at the same university in 2009 and finally, in another study, black and yellow or red maca found the sperm production of the poppy to increase. The study, the number of sperm cells and the production of poppy paste, black / yellow to increase Had to bring back the red poppy, as well as other defects, energy, mood, positive impact on libido and low consumption, which has been shown to how can poppies for the health of the IT support?
Poppy red and black / yellow cream, use the following operations.

    Increased energy and vitality 
    * Male and female hormonal balance - can be supported, menopause, infertility, acne, thyroid and other health problems, and the endocrine system.
    * Support a healthy libido and sex drive moreover, in particular, seems to be the best red defective. Older than 40 years, the most important men, especially men - to protect the prostate *
    * BMD - is the most important thing for women and children.

The full distribution of food poppy 100 grams of sample size 62.6 grams carbohydrates, .82 g fat, 5.3 grams fiber, 17.9 grams protein. 
Protein (%): albumin and globulin glutennin 74,15.3, 10.6,42.1 part of the pure protein zinc.
Vitamins and minerals (% of mg): 3.52 ascorbic acid, 12 boron, calcium, iron 490.80, 70 mg, niacin, phosphorus, potassium 43320113, Riboflavin 0.61, Sodium 20, Thiamine 0.42, Zinc 32 amino acids: alanine , 99.4 arginine 63.1, 91.7, aspartic acid, glycine 156 68.3 Glutamate, HO - 26,21.9 proline histamine, 18.7 isoleucine, leucine 91, lysine, methionine 54, praline, phenylalanine, sarcosine 55.3 50.4 0.5 0 , 7 May 28 serine, threonine, 33.1, Tyrosine 30.6, Valine 79.3. Poppy.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Colonoscopy and Treatment of Risk

Colonoscopy, colon or processing tubes. Medical procedures have been told by doctors to patients with colorectal adenomas and polyps, which are not required to develop the initiative and eventually cause cancer. This test is also a doctor patients with suspected cancer were diagnosed.

 The risk of colonoscopythe risk of colonoscopy, during surgery, may occur in some patients the potential risks. Some risk of heavy bleeding, intestinal infections and intestinal sedatives fracture, infection, allergic reaction. However, a higher risk of colonoscopy, the ability to record has been deleted, the growth of colon polyps.If you as a colonoscopy, doctors and your loved ones have been appointed, there are a few tips to reduce the risk of colonoscopy. Medical care before the colon cleans this will help you to better manage the process, the appearance of the walls of a doctor.

Colonoscopy is a common risk of perforation. Although relatively small when the wrong equipment, a thin layer of the colon to eliminate holes, and the risk of polyps from a colonoscopy. However, if there is such a complication, perforation, when the size of cracks visible, especially from emergency surgical repair. Small cracks, breaks the intestine, can be cured, and the use of antibiotics and regular monitoring.

Another potential risk of bleeding colonoscopy this risk is today one can be overcome during the testing of 1000 colonoscopy procedure; you can have a mild case. This can cause bleeding within 7 days after surgery, patients were asked to continue to be monitored.

If polyps are removed during surgery syndrome is a risk of polyp’s colonoscopy. Colonoscopy in patients with fever and abdominal pain, a few days later, the number of white blood cells, especially fast 12 hours Syndrome Alert and calm the patient intravenous antibiotic therapy.

Two other known effects of colonoscopy is an allergic reaction to sedation, the patient during the operation and management of infection. The first is extremely rare and usually caused by a sterile endoscope. Sudden nausea and vomiting in patients when the response last injection drug risk of hypotension may occur during operation

Colonoscopy is a very low risk of 0.35% Colonoscopy polyp risk increased 2.3%. But usually have a diagnosis of doctors and specialists and the right equipment, you can greatly reduce the risk
. Colonoscopy.

Eight types of cancer Food Fight - Cancer Nutrition

Cancer since 20 Century is the greatest threat to our health. Most of the research is, why is the search for cancer treatment. We now have cancer, abnormal and uncontrolled cell growth of knowledge through our body. Cancer prevention is an important issue. An unhealthy lifestyle habits, we are connected with cancer you know. An important factor is the food we eat. So now we have rock, about 10, and fought for food.
  • First Asparagus
Ameulga we know are caused by abnormal cell growth, because growth of asparagus proteins to maintain control are included. B-vitamins, nucleic acids, enzymes and cancer cells and so-called balanced growth of cancer cells to prevent the spread of selenium is an important part of
  • Second tomato
Tomato effectively carotene, vitamin C can prevent cancer, including a high level of only ten in the body to absorb the oil through a process-carotene. Therefore, only the tomatoes, tomato sauce, stewed tomatoes, or can we have a high level of carotene.
  • Third, carrot
Cancer. Tomatoes also contain high levels of carotene in carrots is. RNA is also included, except for the position, inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Vitamin A and C will help to prevent cancer growth. Chemical decomposition of material error, the carrot enzyme.
  • Fourth banana
Cancer. To fruit in a recent survey of the different types of competition between resistant compared. The best results are achieved bananas. Bananas, anti-cancer agents to improve your immune system, contains a number of white blood cells. Through research we have are bananas and found a high concentration of cancer ripe.
  • Fifth citric
Most of us Orange, ? - Carrots contain carotene, but I think, in fact, contains 15 times more carrots. Sweet fruits, carotene content.
  • Sixth in Figure
The figure includes a high-fiber and vitamins. In fact, it is cleaner download for all the toxic substances absorbed in the stomach. Stomach contents of the digestion of the protein to promote growth work.
  • Kiwi seventh
Vitamin C content of 60 to 30 times more than kiwi, apples, grapes are also a highly effective cancer "battle" is to create, and it contains enzymes.
  • Almond eighth
Almonds, cancer cells are known B vitamins, vitamin B 17 was added 17 "killer". To contribute to the fight against cancer and now I know, maybe you can in the daily diet, what kind of food are included. Regret because of the extra precautions that we adage "prevention is better than cure" is not. Cancer.

Questions Anesthesia - Heart Problems

Then put under general anesthesia, general anesthesia, especially when a person is unconscious and temporarily paralyzed, a lot of stress on the body of a group of patients. It is known that anesthesia can be equally or in some cases is more dangerous than surgery. If the patient has pre-existing disease, the risks of anesthesia further increases. Heart problems are an example where there are two reasons for the increased risks: anesthesia can cause heart and circulatory problems and heart surgery the patient is the subject seriously, even without additional anesthetic potential complications.

Anesthesia. In the U.S., 25% of surgical patients suffer from some form of heart disease (the most common culprits include heart disease, hypertension and heart failure). Patients with heart disease often suffer most from anesthesia associated with cardiac complications during or after surgery. As expected, the heavier the person, the pre-existing condition, the greater the risk of complications.

Anesthesia. Various means can be used to send drugs ill patients. Many of the more common varieties can increase the likelihood that a man's heart begins to beat irregularly. In cases of small, temporary, which can serious medical consequences, but can cause serious health problems, especially among patients with chronic heart disease and his arrhythmia? A patient with heart problems may also need additional medication during a procedure to ensure that there is no problem. If you need more drugs, it is clear that there is an increased risk of dangerous interactions with other drugs.

If a person undergoes cardiac surgery is to provide anesthesia may be other risks. Monitoring a patient's vital signs, including pulse and blood pressure are very important to ensure that the anesthetic effects are not dangerous, and procedures that the heart can, of course, in these difficult steps. It may be necessary to obtain accurate readings.

Physicians have an obligation to be vigilant to protect the welfare of their patients. This includes full health problems and discusses the possible risks before surgery is performed. If a patient because of a medical professional is a negligent act is violated, may be grounds for a malpractice suit. Anesthesia.

Gold in Cancer Treatments

Cancer is a deadly disease that affects millions of people around the world affects. The treatments that attempt to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, surgery to heal, if they can work All tumors can be removed by surgery. The new technology is very popular for the treatment of cancer with gold nanoparticles. In recent years that gold nanoparticles are of great help in the process of detecting and destroying cancer cells detected. This technology is less invasive for the human body because they are not healthy cells. On the other hand, chemotherapy and radiation cause hair loss, nausea, fatigue and many other side effects.

There are various techniques for the detection of cancer, but there is always a need for new and less invasive methods to find. A new alternative is the use of nanotechnology. Cancer cells have the receptor (EGFR) (epidermal growth factor) proteins on the surface. This makes them different from normal, healthy cells that normally do not have (or have, but in much smaller cells). Anti-EGFR antibodies are associated with gold nanoparticles in the laboratory. An anti-EGFR antibody binds to the (EGFR) protein. This means that the gold in the application of anti-EGFR on their surface to bind to the surface of cancer! The nanoparticles if the gold particles bound to the cells, which will be illuminated by laser light in the infrared and the exact location of the cells, will be revealed. The reason is that the gold particles absorb and scatter light far more than expected. Therefore, large gold particles contrast agents for optical molecular imaging techniques are used. Gold particles also have the option of the absorbed radiation into heat, so the ability to attack cancer cells.

Cancer Treatments. The gold particles can lead directly treating the cells. You can load gold nanoparticles with anticancer drugs and this article will immediately appeal to the tumor. It appeared that there was a possibility that the gold particles, the cancer area by standing, the release of drug over a given period, whereas cancer cells with drugs aimed at all times.

Therefore, with the help of nanotechnology, researchers are now able to destroy cells in the tissue around without doing. This is another reason for the value of gold and invests in them. People can buy gold as an investment vehicle and not be disappointed. The price of gold will always exist. Cancer Treatments.

Coca-Cola - for the altitude Sickness Remedy

Coca-Cola. Development of tourism industry in India and abroad market is people trying to explore new destinations. Find a new place in the process, there is always a burden to visit exotic locations, where some of his friends left. Lehn those who have decided in recent years, customers exotic locations at the top of the world However, the planning factors in this line up is the problem of altitude sickness, so that most of us from the difficulties in carrying out the visit to be affected. Advantage of the opportunity to come in handy, and tour operators have begun almost suggested that "coca" in the same use. Here we will explore the wonderful aspects of the remedial measures.

Coca-Cola or Coca-Cola Erythroxyl originated in South America is considered sacred Inca plant. There is a Spanish priest, "the devil is not crazy," he complained, it is often referred to as resources, mountaineer, especially his response to the reduction in the plateau, which is often the role of known and experienced common symptoms of mountain peaks including palpitations, shortness of breath - this is difficulty breathing, anxiety and insomnia wave nature of the -. It is difficult to sleep is to allow all patients presented with nervous system, exhausted, and shows the physical and psychological tensions.

Coca-Cola. There is a feeling of powerlessness in the mountain. As a result of the collision occipital pain, dizziness is ringing or buzzing in the ears known, often referred to as tinnitus. Headache, dizziness, often accompanied by flashing eyes in the light of the spark it is believed that the first is closely tied to the feeling of ribbon.

In the gastrointestinal tract symptoms, this is a strange mint taste mouth. Not easy to satiety and reduce food long-term appetite. Although loss of appetite, a stimulant and alcohol is often a strong desire or snuff. Some patients also showed the desire for sweets. There is a heavy feeling and abdominal bloating. The expansion is such a patient; the esophagus will destroy the open feel under pressure.

This is also the voice of a hoarse voice loss, accomplish the remedy. It consists of small pieces of transparent mucus cough. In general, the throat symptoms are worse after the call, do not comment on the weakness is in the vocal cords. As mentioned earlier, the patient experiences dyspnea - shortness of breath are often introduced, and have known several cases of bloody sputum. Coca-Cola.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Children Stethoscopes - Why do they want

Stethoscopes. In any medical center or emergency room nurse with stethoscope pediatric important. You can make a choice between life and death of the child. Now you can be a young adult stethoscope, but it's really helpful for a child to have only one. Who knows when a child should be taken to the ground then you have to run to the right tools for the assessment at the time the child may exacerbate the state.

Stethoscopes. The body of an adult is very different arrangement with the 5-year (or less), the child's age. In this context, it is important that the medical use of the scale of the appropriate size of the child. Anyone working with Mr. Jones in the number 44 will not work for two years after accession.

Large companies have started to create child Littman stethoscopes are required. They specialize in technology patent. This should be easy, precise and clearly hear (sound), if you're in the respiratory system, heart or circulatory system there is a degree of clarity Littman refuses to neglect.

Littman Classic II infant
Those pediatric stethoscope features a one-inch bell for the tightness of the chest are easier for a child. Bell stethoscope and stainless steel pieces the size of the breast suggests that doctors, nurses and pediatric auscultation pediatricians all these pieces fit in the chest to his patients and makes a big difference when it comes to diagnosing problems. The last thing to have a problem with the diagnosis of his patient, just because it's something I did not hear clearly.

If you buy this model, you know, buy a good tool, reliable and durable. Pediatricians like the devil.
Supplement to the point that it will not rust and corrosion
  • Accuracy
  • easy
  • Tires are not of
  • Comfort
  • Tips flexible seal.

Common respiratory diseases, abnormal X-rays

X-rays. Consolidation, collapse, fibrosis, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, a common abnormality in turbidity and radioactive decay what is it?

X-rays. Trachea in the absence of changes in lung volume, mediastina, and there is no uniformity of color, and the presence of sharp edges, indicating the integration of the lung.

Double-concave edge evenly cover the width of the lung. Trachea, mediastinum, and the collapse of the strike range of motion. Increased diaphragmatic dome the ultra-high brightness range shows compensatory emphysema.

Muscle and the presence of compensatory emphysema, tracheal and mediastina shift, a linear or reticular shadow, the affected areas on the same side of the peak of liver fibrosis.

Pleural effusion
Pleura (less than 300 ml), a small amount of liquid in a single cost phrenic sinuses Heart and diaphragm, and block for the amount of liquid to improve the cost phrenic angle. Decrease in the armpit to the end of the mediastinum, tend to be concave. Move to the central structure to the other side. Air Liquid and the diagnosis hyper translucency (hydro pneumothorax) (air), the presence of fluid in the horizontal plane of existence. Helium than in the lung is collapsed, the lungs are highlighted.

No increase in the lung pleura lead independent and transparent to bleach the presence of air the collapse of the lung margin, you can use the door. Midline structures are interleaved.

Cavity which is permeable to light as the center of a merger or fiber-zone Lesion cavity in a variety of different ways Thin-walled vacuum chamber and tuberculosis. Fluid and air space wall thickness shows the possibility of lung abscess or tumor.

Lung cancer reports
then, one of the two blinds. More cloudy, irregular pattern of the army (the size of 1-2 mm) or spherical (more than 1 cm), grouping and ammunition, depending on their size and uniformity of the distribution The size of the pathological nature of the index, density, distribution and number.

To do this, pulmonary edema, a condition that is less transparent than a transparent ultra-interstitial fibrosis and emphysema. They result from the entry view of the lumbar spine and lung injuries were in demand. Therefore, behind the visible part of the coast since this is PA, the exact location of the damage zone, side view. You may need to be able to see more localized incorrectly. This is a pleural effusion, pulmonary disease, as required under the horizontal position to line X. Concrete steps to recognize the image contrast to pleural and pulmonary lesions in the liver to differentiate at the top, and if necessary, if required, will pneumothorax artificial pneumonia peritoneum.

X-ray illumination
this approach allows the movement of breathing and movement of the mediastina structures. Test at a different location, you can better define the injury. Perspective is the default loses the small lesions. Unless you have a special machine that uses the observer and the radiation may have to be obtained from the patient, can be harmful. The dark adaptation of the observer's right eye is a condition for investment. To overcome this deficiency, you can use the TV screen.

Debt at different depths wire serial X. CT is useful to consider the disease in its whole thickness. Solid lesion Cavity to identify the primary tumor, cysts, calcifications, and all satellites

X-ray contrast media
Contrast visualization of the bronchial tree with bronchiography (Dionosil). This is the only reliable way to give the number and type of evaluation of bronchodilator drugs.

Pulmonary angiography
this is to determine the distribution pattern occurs in the pulmonary artery and its branches. Angiography and pulmonary artery venous malformations are the best way to display.

Tumor, edema and mediastina vascular structures, such as detection of pleural abnormalities and heart disease, valuable non-invasive test X-rays

Friday, November 25, 2011

Apple - Health

Apple fruit is known, each of us. His name is famous not only because it has many great health benefits. The fruit delicious, nutritious, you should always eat. And vitamin C, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, etc. (in the United States Department of Agriculture National Nutrient Database based) basic chemicals, Apple also included. In addition, phenolic compounds and boron compounds (flavonoids) are also included. This fruit, which is low in calories and fat, has high moisture content.
Consider eating an apple.
Vitamins are important for our bodies to maintain all our daily activities. Vitamin C: Apple's built-in resistance to infections and to improve our immune system. Vitamin A in apples good eye, tissue growth and repair our bodies. Apple flavonoids help detoxify the body. Has an antioxidant property that may reduce the risk of respiratory diseases. This is a colon cancer, prostate cancer, including reducing the risk of lung cancer and other cancers.
 Apple flavonoids as follows.
• Task - for the treatment of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients
• Proanthocyanidins - Anti-aging, the ability to reduce wrinkles, the hair     growth.
• Quercetin - reduce prostate cancer in men and women, the risk of breast cancer. Apple fiber to support our digestive system with an important role in the food easily circumvented. You lose weight, people who do not want to have a regular bank. Apple is a good source of fiber, to avoid, reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. 

It is fat and calories. Apple in the blood and increases the good cholesterol, your bad cholesterol in the blood of the options. Magnesium, Apple, help for the treatment of people with depression, the activity of the brain.
Apple has also eat apples, calcium, iron, boron is not a light meal included. To strengthen this delicious fruit chewing gum, and red blood cell hemoglobin, the iron-formation, tooth decay and bone, to prevent the growth of calcium on the other side dental drill.
It contains potassium and water balance in the muscles of our body and the importance of the adrenal axis. In addition, the course will lead to a stroke; reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
What surprised you read? Yes, this is an obvious health benefits that it contains a small apple. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Please do not hesitate to share your love of this project.

Bananas are Very Beneficial to My Health?

 Banana are one of the healthiest fruits, the most common. This is typical of fruit out of season, a fresh medium, all year round. They contain, among other nutrients, three types of sugar (sucrose, glucose and fructose that is), and fiber.

Sugar, bananas provide immediate and sustained energy to your body. Athletes from around the world will be useful in your diet. If you eat two bananas, then there is a rigorous and regular training for 90 minutes to provide sufficient energy. 

Bananas are known for low and high nutritional value is known. They see it as a popular food much. You are now the twenty-first fruit FDA. Bananas have vitamin A (75.5 IU, 2-day value of the% RDA), vitamin C (10.3 mg, 17% DV), Vitamin B - 6 (0.4 mg of excellent sources, 22% DV) and potassium (422 mg, 12% DV). They contain about 74% water, 23% carbohydrates, protein, and 1%, 0.5% and 2.6% fat fiber. (All in the value of a medium banana, the weight of 7-8 cm long, representing about GMS 118) It is a medium banana about 110 calories.
Health benefits of bananas:
• with 22 bananas value of the daily value of vitamin B6 per day. B6 strengthens the immune system and nourishes the nervous system healthy.
• iron content of the banana (0.3 mg, 2% DV) of hemoglobin in the blood it’s good for people suffering from anemia. High-fiber (3 g, 12% DV), bananas can help restore normal bowel movements.
• Bananas contain tryptophan; this amino acid is a kind of emotional. It can be converted into serotonin in the body, making it easy and happy mood. This helps to reduce depression.
• New research shows that as a natural antacid and bananas. This feature allows you swear banana. Bananas contain protease inhibitors, harmful bacteria, helping to kill that causes stomach ulcers appear.
• Banana potassium reduces the attack high blood pressure, heart and stroke.
• Banana probiotics (friendly) bacteria in the colon of food because they contain fructose. We have the ability to absorb nutrients, including calcium digestive enzymes it produces these bacteria increased. Better ways of banana to absorb calcium from the bones.
Bananas are flexible when it comes to consumption. You can cook or eat. Roasted banana possible Cooking or mixing can also be eaten raw. Sliced ​​banana for breakfast Lunch to eat a banana oil you can also use peanut butter and banana sandwiches. You can use banana split, so the ice. There are several options.
Banana tastes good and loses cool as they dry. But do not lose their nutritional value. But in the end and then into the refrigerator.

Nutrient-Rich Eggs

Eggs daily record of public opinion most people, but this diet CE knows the personal characteristics of Ontario eggs.

First, pour the egg, it cancer. Member who is a carcinogen, is rich in vitamins and join B - 2 - oxidation. He and zinc, selenium and other products, you can prevent cancer. Analysis of the contribution to the ski par darts selenium can reduce cancer mortality link partners. Selenium in human cancers than the developer, the large number of blood less
Eggs. Second, the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis I nutritionists and health experts in the United States, when you pour the egg is atherosclerosis of the medical use, with good results again. Their eggs, we liver extract, lecithin, nuts, pour manger in patients with cardiovascular disease 4-6 teaspoons of the connection.
Third, slow the aging process. It contains almost all the nutrients the body needs protein called, "This is the ideal nutritional punch." The Secret Life of longevity men suddenly from their beds, they tell the eggs every day. In eggs, including medical nutrition recognition four memory, the most favorite as lecithin, triglycerides, because what he missed cholesterol, helps the human nervous system development. If EST digest lecithin, in the blood - brain barrier mountain light colonel Therefore, EST, a slight increase in human memory. As a fait accompli or two eggs a day, knowledge of the young seedling, the century may be a good memory, remain unchanged.
Eggs. Fifth, protect the heart. I protein in the egg, pour repair damaged tissue. From egg yolk lecithin, plasma protein binding of immune system cells and liver regeneration love you can increase your metabolism.
Three months later, our patient's serum cholesterol, may reduce the grams to 180%, 1000%. This is very touching. If the EST Sami clinical efficacy of this approach results. Yellow is a lot of nutrition, most people will do wonders. In fait accompli, two high-quality protein easy to digest However, they contain many nutrients. Egg yolk is lecithin, fat, vitamins, elements, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A-rich, D, E and protein composition of the egg white protein-based, if A and B contain.
Confused: Do you eat raw eggs? Eggs and salmonella susceptible people Hard, it is easy to digest and eggs as the United Nations are more flexible. Well, if you are in the southern Cook frozen eggs have more protein, less digesters added. Eggs.

Lychee Fruit is Delicious and Nutritious Tropical

Lychee. For treating tropical lychee is relatively new in the United States, but it's a song that is very popular in Asia. Originally from China, which has grown and enjoyed for many years, thousands of lychee grown mainly in South Asia but now grown in Hawaii and Florida. Perhaps because the red heart-shaped and round, lychee is a symbol of love and romance in Chinese culture. Legend has it that Emperor Chain until the eighth century Hsian Stung Fast rider to give more than 600 miles lychees lover, your favorite fruit at the end of the cool and enjoy.
Lychee. Small ripe lychees about two inches in diameter Strong protect the skin red watery translucent white or pink, has a beautiful structure, it's like a cross between a grape and pear, but soft, with a mild flavor. In the most central fruits are large and round seeds like peach, but in India, varieties of seeds are very small and the fruit is soft and cuddly.
Lychees in many ways, including dry, fresh, and available in cans. Once cooled, the crust of fresh lychee fruit is dark brown, but soft and smooth. In the dried lychee, lychees are a very common misconception that the famous nut meat, leather and dark wood should be reduced, but the concentrated sweetness.
A plant nutrition
Lychee fruit is sweet - they are also an excellent source of vitamin C. A 100 gram portion of lychees (corresponding to approximately nine pieces of meat) package of 72 mg of vitamin C is more striking facts of the daily requirement of vitamin C for adults by 20 percent.
Lychee is rich in copper, phosphorus, potassium and fiber, and in Asia as both a diuretic and digestive. They also contain more beta carotene than carrots, with unsaturated fatty acids that the absorption of beta-carotene and other fat-soluble vitamins to help. Calories and "price" for all, food is very reasonable 125 calories per cup.
To use them lychee
after a hard shell and can not be eaten freshly peeled lychees to get juicy meat. In fruit, the skin is very fresh; the meat can be as simple as cracking open the box on one side and pushed gently, allowing the meat to the skin of the grape skin doll. When the fruit is less sweet, the crust off easily with your fingers or a knife lychees can be eaten raw or cooked.

Tattoos and Hepatitis

Tattoos and hepatitis. Assert their independence as teenagers on their way to adulthood, many as a bold statement impulsive decision to make permanent his body, getting a tattoo. Many artists choose a neighborhood with a tattoo machine tattoo artist of your choice. These people are not trained to their customers and potentially lethal infectious diseases. Sitting in the back of the corner shop or beauty salons in the area, to the store with a limited knowledge of exposure to infection or blood products are available for practice. Because they are not well educated, often unconsciously and unintentionally brought us all in danger This epidemic "improvised" tattoo shops in urban and rural local health authorities lack the resources or the mandate of the community to strong action against this growing threat to public health.

Tattoos and hepatitis. While the tattoo is popular and widespread, the ability of young people, a tattoo of access varies considerably. If you have money to buy a well-designed complex with a masterpiece of great tattoo for hundreds of dollars if you do not have access to money, you can go to the home of Big Jim, and a $ 40 tattoo. The difference, besides the quality of the art of tattooing is the depth, clarity and color can go home with a lifetime of infection is more common than hepatitis C.

A recent study of Massachusetts, and reported by the Centers for Disease Control discussion, an increased incidence of hepatitis C among young people between 15 and 24 The increase was also observed in men and women. Incidence of hepatitis C in people of all ages, the frequency of this group is more curiosity. A closer examination of the data showed that the use of drugs (particularly drugs intravenously) and a greater presence of tattoos was much more common in patients with hepatitis C is established. Sharing needles of any kind (IV drug use, tattooing or tattoo needles that are not regulated environment) is a great danger to the public.

Tattoos and hepatitis. The biggest problem with hepatitis is to identify the source and date of infection. Infection of newly acquired hepatitis can, if the average flu among youth seeking essentially "down" days with fatigue, muscle aches, nose or sinuses Since these early symptoms are mild, many young people with acute infection, stay home a few days without ever seeing a doctor than enough to expand to the next victim. Furthermore, no idea that a deadly disease changed thrive on them. She decides to get a tattoo in the basement of a person or on the terrace and infections remain the same, so the increased incidence of hepatitis C among young people alone!

Why can only lead to IV and other drugs? A more detailed analysis of the data shows that men traditionally disadvantaged women in intravenous drug use has. Usually 03/02 to 3 / 4 of IDUs are men, so that the increased incidence of hepatitis C, the proportions to follow, but no. As mentioned above, the demographic composition of the new infections of hepatitis C in this age group for women 50% men and 50% ... statistics and the acquisition of modern tattooing Curious, no?

The 5-7000000 people infected with hepatitis B and C, and as much as two thirds of them have no idea they are infected. This is a problem. Why do not you know they are infected, not a doctor, not knowing that they are very careful about the pollution, not the tattoo shop on the corner. If the CDC recommends toothbrushes, razors or nail clips, as hepatitis is present, without a doubt a tattoo needle sharing, are tubes of paint and Vaseline unaffected. Tattoos and hepatitis.

Magnesium supplements - You can restore your energy, and how

Magnesium supplements. The body is made from a variety of primary minerals. This is the food needs of the law, it is said, as long as necessary to complete. In this case, the need for vitamins and minerals are ready, you can do everything? If not handled properly so, as you know?
Magnesium supplements. It all started on chronic fatigue. If there is no reason why you often feel tired, you may need to be lost in the fourth essential minerals your body. Magnesium supplements your body can basically find the success or failure. Lack of magnesium, if not your health a big favor Magnesium, bones, teeth, and the blood, higher body and other areas Without it, you weak, it is absolutely necessary is closed. It seems as plants die and dry. If there is a lack of energy, magnesium is the first thing you think about it. It gives you the energy to continue to assist in many ways.
Magnesium supplements. There are many foods that are rich in magnesium. Almonds, peanuts, potatoes and bread and other foods, may require the content of magnesium per day. In other cases, you can instantly and magnesium. Daily intake of magnesium supplement that day. This is usually a capsule. You buy at the market to resume regular dosing schedule. In general one day However, if you're sick, you can go to another. If you do not, have side effects if taken, can be a double dose.
Magnesium supplements. Other notable material magnesium is magnesium oil products are the easiest way to obtain these materials, saturation and skin pores and skin pores. Crude oil is a combination of magnesium chloride and water use for some of the skin and pores of the skin, thin, not necessarily the reality of the reliability of magnesium solid solution does not need to be emotional. The main benefit of using magnesium oil, usually due to material facts, adding that there was no effect on the mouth as a natural function of a material for magnesium, you can use the trust fund, the establishment of small regional efforts to meet the fuel cell Zugou. Magnesium supplements.

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