Monday, November 14, 2011

Asthma and Exercise - Health

Asthma and exercise. A person with asthma, shortness of breath. It can clog or choke during the attack. Therefore you should not work and normal activities may suffer more than their health. So, the main goal of treatment is to have someone comfortable and they live a normal life to help.

Asthma and exercise combination, as a progressive. In health, physical education helps to increase endurance and strength. The body becomes stronger and fitter. The general impression that the person is an inflammatory disease, can not in practice, which can worsen your condition. But it's not good true.With orientation, health benefits are endless. In addition, the lifestyle is not for everyone. Especially in the case of asthmatics, the disease is a serious weight loss. So, the corresponding body mass index is important.

Asthma and exercise. A person can control his asthma and the point of balance and movement, and deliberately keep some things to consider. First, patients should check with your doctor and try to understand their symptoms. You should limit the practice of the body, in accordance with this disease.

First, you can start training at home. Stay home for the environment and other factors under control to help. Inhalers should be available. While sports and travel medicine, and respiratory support may help prevent negative consequences in case of an attack to a minimum. A simple initiative that all health care workers able to walk or run to start. Physical condition gradually improved and body weight can be controlled. Regular line useful for the joints. For flexibility. The future complications such as arthritis can be avoided.

Spent about 30 minutes a day, five times a week can work wonders if you want to treat the symptoms of asthma. Other activities such as swimming, yoga, and cycling can lead to resistance. Asthma and exercise.


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