Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lemon : A Juicy Fruit Rich in Vitamin C for Healthy Life

Lemon or lime (Nimboo) is a rich green or yellow, juicy, vitamin C and is often used as a flavor enhancer and preservative in a number of culinary and therapeutic applications. It focuses on the thorny evergreen shrub, bush or small tree. The plant has white flowers. Lemon belongs to the Rutaceae family and botanical name is Citrus limon / Citrus medica. Other closely related fruits are orange, Malta, mausambi, Keenu with a slightly different flavor and texture.

There are some wild and cultivated plants in the world of gardening originated in South Asia (India, Burma and China) is genetically originated as a blend of bitter orange and lemon in the year 1000.

Lemon.It prefers temperate and subtropical climates and is a hardy plant. Make the bright green leaves with winged leaf steal. Immature green fruits ripen yellow, but in some species remain green, the fruit is round or oval, sometimes on one side of 2-4 cm in diameter. The fruit skin is thin and delicate or thick and hard. Which has many types, such as Eureka, Lisbon, Villa Franca, seeded Lucknow, Assam lemon, squeeze throughout Nepal, etc. Each medium lemon juice 2-3 c. soups. The juice contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 (18% of total), minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper and about 88% of vitamin C with the carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. It is bitter to the taste and smell unique. Lemon juice consumption is 100 g 29 kcal of energy. Other ingredients are essential oils of lemon in the dish, flavonoids, bitter limonoids, citral, coumarin, pectin, gums and alpha-terpinene.

Health benefits of lemon.
Lemon is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting explanation is the ability of cancer cells and its use as an alternative to chemotherapy to kill. But all these qualities can be detected experimentally lemon. Studies on the chemical constituents of lemon and its relationship to cancer, progress in several laboratories. Here are some common therapeutic applications.

Dealing with problems, such as citrus peel has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, is able to rejuvenate the skin and is rich in vitamin C enhanced the beauty. It acts as an anti-aging and is capable of wrinkles, blemishes and scars from burns to remove, often used in soap, shampoo, lotion, etc. cleansng

Help solve the problem of oral lemon juice, if it can be applied to stop bleeding gums and gum also help get rid of a toothache. It provides relief from bad breath.

He heals a sore throat, such as lemon juice has antibacterial properties, gargling with lemon water with a little salt to help fight sore throats and also in addressing the problem of respiratory diseases for you to help.

This is an advantage in reducing weight, help you lose weight faster. This requires a glass of lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach. The precipitation of lemon water and the mixture of lemon juice cooked in a glass of warm water with 3 tablespoons of honey and a pinch of salt. Undoubtedly contribute to weight loss on the one hand, and the person who consumes it feels energetic and fresh all day.

Control of blood pressure control blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, and relaxes the body and mind. It also controls stress disorder, depression and nervousness.

It helps cure rheumatism Lemon is a diuretic and then lemon water can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to remove bacteria and toxins from the body.

Reduce temperature lemon water, a person suffering from colds, flu or fever treatment. Breaking the fever by increasing perspiration. Halved lemon lightly toasted in the fire with a little salt and black pepper enhances the flavor of the fever.

It acts as a blood purifier diseases such as cholera and malaria can be treated with lime water, which can act as a blood purifier.

It is good for the stomach problems caused by the digestive qualities of lemon juice to lighten helps to overcome indigestion, abdominal pain and constipation. It also acts as a tonic for the liver and kill the parasites. It is antibacterial, antifungal and is also able to control worms. The lemon water with sugar and salt is also prescribed to compensate for water loss or dehydration from diarrhea and dysentery.

Side effects of Lemon
Although Lemon has many advantages, but some people are allergic to lemon, but that could harm the enamel, gasteroesophageal disease and tonsillitis. Lemon juice as citric acid can irritate the mucous membranes and decalcified teeth.

Use lemon culinaris
• Lemon juice, meat and skin are used in many culinary applications and an element of the common kitchen in the world. The lemon is used for a variety of foods such as potato recipes for cats, cat mixed cake, lemon chicken, lemon-flavored prepare drinks.

• Used to lemonade (with sugar Shikanjee), Sharbat, Squash (drink) it.

• Used as a preservative in the short term, prepare ginger vinegar, garlic, cold, green, etc.

• Used in vinaigrette with onions, tomatoes, cucumber, radish and beet salad.

• It is also a fruit salad apple, banana, guava juice is used as the acid denatured enzyme and gold and to the degradation of fresh fruits and keep them longer to occur.

• Lemon juice is also used to fish (low odor), lamb and chicken marinate in the collagen fibers to soften.

• While working on the east side Shakarpara, Jalebi Gulabjamun and sugar syrup (Chasin) eliminated by adding a little lemon, as it contains citric acid.

• Dry grated (like orange) in the bakery and taste for jams, jellies, gelatin, puddings and uses biryani.

Use lemon  certain subjects

Aroma of lemon oil is used in aromatherapy, improved mood and vitality.

Also used in soaps, body lotions, shampoos and other cosmetics as a moisturizer.

Lemon slices used as an air freshener in the refrigerator.

Use it to clean and shine brass products and decorative pieces with salt and yeast.

Halved lemon rubbed stains, oil, grease and eliminate in a clean plastic.

It is also used for the production of citric acid.

It's like ubtan (delete) in the skin with turmeric in grams of curd and rose water is used.

Is given with the coconut oil on the scalp before washing the head to get rid of dandruff.

The cultivation of lemon
Lemon germinating seeds grown in the penetration of moisture or cuttings are prepared beds of light sockets, fertile soil, etc. nursery. Thrives in a wide range of soils. range of pH 5-7 on May 5 is favorable for the lemon garden. The soil should be well drained. Improved irrigation plant, flowers and citrus. Planting should be done between June and August spacing between plants should be 5m x 5m. Power is needed three times a year. Micronutrients spray growth. Subtropical climate is most suitable for the growth and development of the lemon. The dry and arid, with low precipitation are most favorable for culture. India is in the production of lemons in the sixth of the world. In India, citrus in Punjab, Maharashtra, Karnataka grew up. The Andhra Pradesh. Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Gujarat, Uttaranchal and Assam lemon fruits are persistent and a maximum of 10 to 15 years and can reach a height of 6.8 meters and are around 4 meters.

Disease management-Lemon
 The most common disease of citrus, lemon and other citrus cancer in India. Nimboo Kagzi infected during the rainy season Xanthomonas citri pathogenic through stomata and wounds. The disease affects the leaves, twigs and fruits. All green parts and tires are covered with brown spots fruit rind about 3-4mm. The market value of fruit is reduced to scaly lesions. To fight against this disease, a blend of Bordeaux% or 500 ppm solution of streptomycin sulfate is effective. Gummose citrus caused by Phytophthora. The symptoms are exudate gum-like substance, and yellow leaves drop in time. Citrus greening psyllid (MLO) is caused. Symptoms include yellowing of the midrib and veins of the leaves ripen. Finally, all the leaves yellow and fall. 0 to 05% malathion spray control is used. Aphids cause serious damage to citrus trees during the growing season. Aphids suck sap from leaves that can be twisted and distorted. Citrus whiteflies rather small wings of insects feed on the underside of leaves and eggs. The eggs hatch and the larvae remain in the leaves by sucking the sap. The leaves are rolled and formed with a substance. Pest Management powder can be sprinkled on Gammexane leaves to the roots and the soil.

Post Harvest Diseases of Lemon
Like other fruits and vegetables, lemons also infected with various pathogens during storage. Alternaria, Fusarium, Botrytis, Geotrichum, Penicillium, etc. causes brown, black and red, white and blue forms green in damages. To fight against these diseases after harvest should be stored at low temperature and when the package for Security and soft fungicides are used.

Recipe for a bit of lemon in brine to
First whole lemon with salt and ajwain (Carum) I saw this cucumber is cooked by my mother since childhood.

25 parts lemon sized
200-250 g salt
2 tbsp ajwain

Method - lemons are washed with water and dried. Both ends with a knife and fork with lemon slices were drilled 7-8 points. Lemons with salt and ajwain were placed in a clean jar with tight lid. The air was in the sunlight for about 25 days. The vessel was shaken after every 2 to 3 days. The lemon color gradually changed. It's a swarm of long-term and can be saved. It is very tasty and can be taken with rice and lentils or khichadi be. It is useful in stomach pain.

Second Lemon Pickle Sweet and Sour

Ingredients: 1 kg of lime
-150 G salt
200 g sugar
Garam Masala (coarsely ground) -4 tsp (dalchini, Bara Illaichi, Clover and

Method: lemons are washed with water and dried. He made two cuts with a sharp knife to divide the lemon into quarters on the base. In the middle sections mixture of salt, sugar and Garm masala full. This lemon filling is placed in a glass with an airtight lid. It is under the sun for a few months. The brine is very tasty and can be stored for 2-3 years.

Third Ginger, lemon juice, cucumber
Ginger ½ kg, washed and cut into long thin strips. 7-8 lemons are pressed to extract the juice. Ginger documents are kept in a glass and 2 tablespoons lemon juice and salt and mix well. In a day or two pieces of pink ginger and turn the tingling sensation is ready to be eaten. It can be used for approximately two weeks after the pale color of the ginger pieces and begin to change the taste.

Fourth lemon marinated garlic
Peeled garlic cloves with a little salt and lemon juice mixed in a glass. At about 10 to 15 days cloves are soft and sour taste. It is used for upset stomach, indigestion, etc.

Fifth cold lime green in brine
Green peppers cut to length in the middle and then added with salt and lemon juice. This is a very tasty marinade, increase the appetite.Lemon


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