The lungs are remarkable organs perform a wide range of vital functions, which most other organs. Breathing is one of the major functions performed by the lungs. Every breath through the lungs, adding oxygen to the body and carbon dioxide away. The lungs also protect the body against the damaging effects of the environment, such as infection and contamination.
Despite the nose, the first defense against environmental agents that act as a second line of defense of the lung. It is therefore very important that the lungs should be considered healthy and free of disease.
Here are seven tips to keep your lungs healthy and well fed, so their job done.
Tips for healthy lungs and strong
• Milk thistle extract silymarin or helps the lungs to fight the toxins in the environment.
• There are many benefits of drinking green tea. It is very effective in protecting against the development of lung cancer.
• Avoid smoking or exposure to passive smoking. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. If you reduce or eliminate smoking, the risk of developing lung cancer was also significantly reduced, and those who smoke regularly compared. The risk of lung cancer on the road, when you stop smoking completely. Stopping smoking helps clear the lungs and begin to work better.
• Avoid passive smoking. If someone smokes in your area, it is best to leave the area or ask you to stop smoking. Patients with lung cancer related to passive smoking to avoid serious because it can aggravate their condition.
• Exercise is a good way to have healthy lungs. You can improve the running, walking, swimming and other cardiovascular exercise in your calendar for the functioning of the lungs. The more you practice, your lungs will be strong.
• It is also important to eat a nutritious diet of healthy lungs to have. They need different kinds of foods to eat:
* Cereals, breads and cereals high in fiber.
* Lean proteins like fish, eggs, turkey and chicken.
* Sufficient amounts of water, because it also helps flush toxins.
You should avoid eating large amounts of food oil, salt, alcohol and caffeine. It is shown that good nutrition and eating habits have a significant effect on lung function and unhealthy foods can also help prevent lung disease. In fact, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant power proved useful in improving lung function and to minimize the development of lung disease.
• Avoid working in an environment where there is an excessive amount of dust in the air. For example, people who are likely to cause byssinosis in the textile mills of contracts for the supply of cotton dust and other particles.
After all the above and to certain conditions and foods to avoid, you can prevent the development of all lung diseases, and especially avoid the need for surgical procedures or surgery. The lungs.
Despite the nose, the first defense against environmental agents that act as a second line of defense of the lung. It is therefore very important that the lungs should be considered healthy and free of disease.
Here are seven tips to keep your lungs healthy and well fed, so their job done.
Tips for healthy lungs and strong
• Milk thistle extract silymarin or helps the lungs to fight the toxins in the environment.
• There are many benefits of drinking green tea. It is very effective in protecting against the development of lung cancer.
• Avoid smoking or exposure to passive smoking. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. If you reduce or eliminate smoking, the risk of developing lung cancer was also significantly reduced, and those who smoke regularly compared. The risk of lung cancer on the road, when you stop smoking completely. Stopping smoking helps clear the lungs and begin to work better.
• Avoid passive smoking. If someone smokes in your area, it is best to leave the area or ask you to stop smoking. Patients with lung cancer related to passive smoking to avoid serious because it can aggravate their condition.
• Exercise is a good way to have healthy lungs. You can improve the running, walking, swimming and other cardiovascular exercise in your calendar for the functioning of the lungs. The more you practice, your lungs will be strong.
• It is also important to eat a nutritious diet of healthy lungs to have. They need different kinds of foods to eat:
* Cereals, breads and cereals high in fiber.
* Lean proteins like fish, eggs, turkey and chicken.
* Sufficient amounts of water, because it also helps flush toxins.
You should avoid eating large amounts of food oil, salt, alcohol and caffeine. It is shown that good nutrition and eating habits have a significant effect on lung function and unhealthy foods can also help prevent lung disease. In fact, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant power proved useful in improving lung function and to minimize the development of lung disease.
• Avoid working in an environment where there is an excessive amount of dust in the air. For example, people who are likely to cause byssinosis in the textile mills of contracts for the supply of cotton dust and other particles.
After all the above and to certain conditions and foods to avoid, you can prevent the development of all lung diseases, and especially avoid the need for surgical procedures or surgery. The lungs.
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