Sci-Fi Water. In 2004, Japan to help, Masaru Emoto, a groundbreaking book titled "The Hidden Messages in Water." Cover in this book is to absorb the water, stores and re-open the feelings and emotions of people, including. In the high-speed photography, Emoto is a very different characters and emotions exposed crystal (stimulus), which formed in frozen water. For example, if you have a spread of water, if someone (managed by it) and / or model of the glass in the water has a lot of rich color are diamond film has been said.
Sci-Fi Water. The water, exposed to negative thoughts and feelings, -. "You're hurting me, I'll kill you" or "I hate you", the water is clear, a disproportionate uneven and ugly. Emoto's experiments, including rice and water. The families were invited to dinner in the same two different vessels. In the pot, place the sticker with the words "Thank you, I love you." Is words. "I hate you" The family is a collection of glasses, from the label on my mood, then you can collect the second ship have a label that reads each day. The result: A month later, exposed to yeast, a pleasant aroma (no, that's not what happens to the form) to release, and began to appreciate and to love. The United States, was exposed to rage and hatred began, black, rust and rot! (If you do not think to try, I was surprised to find the same results as it tries).
Sci-Fi Water. We want the handle of this study, participation in the study? The language is very powerful and emotional. Therefore we encounter heal the beauty and happiness, our concepts of love and kindness, and to protect the ability. On the other hand, can cause confusion, or worse hatred region again.
We, then, when the influence of water and rice, you can imagine how they affect us and our children? (75% of water is one!) Think about what it is directly related to the feelings of the world on a daily basis. Love her / him, ask your child? Today is for people who love and kindness to thank? Whether you read everything you're shouting and angry?
We want the beautiful snow-molecules can be found in our own body, mind children, the heart and soul. So, we must muzzle the power and love in our words as pleasant as possible, as much as possible but we may be sure. If you're angry, you do not speak the words that you do not underestimate. Please do not use words hurt and hatred and display.
Emoto's work we know that is a great little reminder of the universe / wonderful world we live in still water, but a little strange, they have great quality. Research and other areas of water, I have not mentioned in this article, some of them: water has a memory, a variety of water and energy sector is closely linked.
Almost all philosophy, but past experience has proved to be the blog to read about the water quality - which can be a very solid science fiction. Absorption of information and draw their own conclusions. I am doing this to my word! Sci-Fi Water.
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