It is one of the dominant (though only partially correct) promoted by the theories of the past 50 years that saturated fat (coconut oil and others) are bad for your health. Cardiovascular disease, obesity, high cholesterol and even Alzheimer's disease are some of the effects of promoting the consumption of saturated fats. Cocos nucifera COCUS scientific name the name is derived from three wells outside hairy. Early Spanish explorers named Coco, which literally means "Monkey Face".
Some are naturally saturated fats (coconut) and some are made by people. Man is the hydrogenation process, the terrible beast that produces Tran’s fatty acids.Hydrogenation occurs when hydrogen is added to the oil to consolidate and make it less likely to spoil. More food, have a texture a little less fat and have a much longer lifespan.
He Trans fats are devastating damage and against nature and a breakdown in the body at the cellular level. That the body's immune response needed for many diseases of our time to reduce control. Diabetes is one such Trans fats interfere with insulin receptors in the membranes of our cells. The enzymes in the body to fight cancer are disrupted, allowing us more susceptible to this deadly disease. Obesity and cardiovascular disease may in the long list of negative effects of Trans fats are included.
Lauric acid in coconut oil fatty acids: Now the good news. The lauric acid is a fatty acid of medium chain, easy to use by the body with many benefits. Represents approximately 50% of the fatty acids in coconut the body is converted into monolaurin, an antiviral and antibacterial used by the body for many dangerous viruses such as HIV, measles and herpes simplex destroying, among others.
Coconut oil has been proven to improve heart health. Studies of the Polynesians, whose base is coconut, which is not practically non-existing cardiovascular disease they were healthy and trim, in part due to increased metabolism.
Coconut fat increases metabolism, thus promoting more muscle and less fat. Supports the immune system to the devastating effects of free radicals it has great benefits for the skin when used topically. The properties are not only anti-aging, but it has healing properties. Conventional wisdom aside would do well to study and use coconut oil as a staple in their diet. The advantages are too numerous to ignore the aging. Coconut.
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