About Asthma
He suffered from asthma for 10 years, and I learned a lot about this stage of asthma. I causes, symptoms are an expression of my studies and to explore ways to go, so a normal life.
Asthma Myths. All this time I have done extensive research on this issue and find the rumors true, the old story of a good woman, and general misinformation on this issue to clarify. Needless to say I learned a lot about asthma, and my experience and research. My asthma is under control, but I realized that there are millions of people can benefit from what I found.

Myth 1. The drug works once a day, do not change. Small ... The goal of treatment is to control the airways and lungs must be kept at low levels of drug use. It is important to consult your doctor regularly to check for drugs controller can be reduced or eliminated.
Myth 2. Anyone can learn your asthma. Small ... There are those who can, and it is not, especially the reaction takes place at night during sleep. Sometimes the attacks quickly, so frequent use peak flow meter is a must. This allows you to determine what the air through the respiratory tract and cause disruption of attention.
Myth 3. Alcohol does not cause asthma. Small ... Beer and wine contain a compound called sulfite, occurring naturally or added as a preservative. This can lead to an attack or severe allergic reactions in patients with asthma.
Myth 4. This movement is dangerous for asthmatics. Small ... People can take advantage of this offer is only for your general health, physical exercise to improve. Complete the boot process and help you choose the level of effort to prevent symptoms. Using the expansion of higher education to prevent symptoms.
Myth 5. Improve asthma in wet and humid. Small ... Humidity asthma. Two common trigger such as dust and molds thrive in humid environments. Some studies show a significant reduction in the humidity between 30-35% profits involved.
Myth 6. Aspirin does not cause asthma. Small ... Some medications, including aspirin, are known to cause attacks. Some people are "sensitive to aspirin," and often do not benefit patients with asthma, such as worsening of nasal polyps.
However, if I were advising his comrades in misfortune, will be linked to the question of quantity. Pillows and warm air in the space around the ideal breeding ground for the event unseen companion at home in bed. It is thought that most of the weight of the default skin bags, dead mites and their feces contain.
Bacteria such as influenza, chicken pox, M.R.S.A and C.diff, which can be dangerous for people with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly. The tests showed a high degree of "live" from pollution and knees, where the crack or cracks, bad bacteria in the fill. Not only the change of the pillow. They are easy to do something nasty. So the answer to his knees and wash once a month. Change the location of damage and, if possible, some anti-bacterial pillow. Asthma Myths.
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