I recently changed the benefits of these two special green superfoods. Ok, so I know some of you say, "Wow, what took you so long?" And some of you, "Spira what ever." That's the way it is in fact a kind of discovery. It takes a few pioneers like subjects "guinea pigs" for some of us have the courage to try.

That's right. Algae! One observer called pond scum is less sensitive, but I'm a soldier ... I tried it anyway!
What are the benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella?
According to Mike Adams in his book E Factor Chlorella, Spirulina 12 times the amount of digestible protein with the same weight of beef, a phytochemical in chlorella to repair nerve damage, and both are forms of cancer have invested. It is something very strong in terms of nutrition.
What is spirulina and chlorella?
Spirulina and Chlorella algae are classified. There are two algae grown and harvested commercially the most common health and nutritional supplements. They are distinguished by the color classified ... Spirulina is a blue-green algae, Chlorella is green, while in algae. Both are rich in trace elements, vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals. They are a rich source of easily digestible vegetable protein and pigment rich and strong.
Both have recently called "super foods" designated by the periphery of health and nutrition, and gradually more traditional benefits and the experience of people.
Spirulina is "nature's perfect food" and is widely used in the nature of the supplements in powdered vegetables. Of course, it helps you lose weight helps balance the pH, may contribute to fasting glucose in diabetic patients, and to inhibit the virus. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids and some people use it as a source of protein.
Some of the other touted benefits:
* Help to detoxify the liver
* Has a positive effect on blood pressure
* Does the size of the tumors
* It is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory
Chlorella is considered "detoxifying Natures' chelated by the capacity of the factory of heavy metals and toxins. Detoxification is the result of a very high chlorophyll, but also because of the cell wall. The cell wall material that clearly binds to heavy metals and toxins.
From the perspective of health, I am always looking for ways that nutrition can improve my diet. I understand that if the world of vitamins and minerals are exhausted, so the food they harvest, so I think now more than ever, it is important to our diets to offer great food, better nutrition To strengthen our bodies. I think spirulina and chlorella sure it fits bill. Spirulina and Chlorella.
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