Cocoa. Caffeine is known to increase the body's energy metabolism, increase the supply of the fuel the body, including fat. When used before exercising, there has been an increase in fat oxidation as exercise itself without the use of caffeine compared. Caffeine is found in pill or powder tea, coffee and cocoa are available.
Cocoa. Theo bromine is a compound rich in nitrogen, which has a mild stimulating effect on the body, increase energy and feel good about helping people to eat chocolate. The chemical the bromine found in that helps you feel good about the effect a little "sad people trying to prevent weight loss, and helps with emotional strength. Theo bromine is rich in flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that the body against oxidation, which is a good thing for those trying to lose weight is like the process of using fat for energy causes the oxidation, so this flavone "net" to protect the free radicals caused by the burning of fat.
It should be noted that low-fat protein-rich cocoa products is not just chocolate, like most chocolate contains large amounts of cocoa butter, cocoa fat. This is combined with powdered sugar and milk with chocolate milk. Therefore, prior to storage of chocolate and I thought it would be difficult to beat, in exchange for extra pounds, please think again about the calories gained from eating chocolate can burn more calories than caffeine and Theo bromine in itself. It is better to have a bitter taste of cocoa or sweet and is used for "a little more calories you burn at once, you can try adding 'a little cinnamon and ginger, which is known to burn fat here is the recipe for. Drinks taste great, ginger and cinnamon, caffeine and Theo bromine in cocoa drinks rich in content.
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ginger
200 ml of boiling water
Directions: Stir until a smooth paste, add about 50 mL of water in the dust bowl and mix with remaining water. You can add a teaspoon of honey or artificial sweetener if you need a sweet taste.Cocoa helps but remembers that they used as part of a diet low in calories and you need an exercise program. Cocoa.
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