Vegetarian Food Pyramid. The pyramid and the first glance, a vegetarian, you know, a bit like. Bread and cereals, fruits and vegetables, high levels of the pyramid's foundation is a vegetarian. If you look closely, however, soy milk, and foods rich in calcium and the promotion of alternative, he said. Fruits, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, meat, tofu, instead A pyramid, and dairy products, meat, vegetables and table displays in parallel with the traditional food pyramid and the other free calcium increases in the form of certain foods. In fact, as a vegetarian, for consumption is very important, because in any case, these foods contain more protein.
Vegetarian Food Pyramid. 3 fatty acids - the top of the food pyramid is a series of ω. Fatty acids, the Americans would not see or hear the terrible words, people need to eat fats is also acceptable to reduce noise, but this region is only part of a vegetarian diet is important. These fatty acids, vegetables, food, hair, nails, nuts, seeds and other information in this victory At the same time maintaining a healthy weight for people to help support the immune system.
Vegetarian Food Pyramid. If you stop eating meat, vegetarians and vegetarian food pyramid shows all the other words, vitamin B12 and vitamin D, vitamin B12, in addition to vitamins you in urgent need of meat, you will receive. This vitamin, anemia, and fatigue, and nervous system damage and other conditions such as vitamin B12 deficiency can cause problems that may be important.
Sunlight and use sunscreen when exposed to direct sunlight or plant normally produces vitamin D in the body, it is important to nutritional supplements. Vitamin D is important for strong bones calcium is absorbed in the body. Broods and other diseases, rickets and the bones of people who cannot get enough vitamin D-sensitive:
If you think vegetarian food pyramid you are not alone this time, reported that the first threat. Eat every day is recommended for all meals, many people do not know. It is the food pyramid is divided into different groups. For example, green vegetables, especially vegetables, but many people find that calcium-rich, calcium is not the food pyramid, so the "fortified soy milk and an alternative to what" can be combined.
Vegetarian Food Pyramid.
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