Tattoos and hepatitis. While the tattoo is popular and widespread, the ability of young people, a tattoo of access varies considerably. If you have money to buy a well-designed complex with a masterpiece of great tattoo for hundreds of dollars if you do not have access to money, you can go to the home of Big Jim, and a $ 40 tattoo. The difference, besides the quality of the art of tattooing is the depth, clarity and color can go home with a lifetime of infection is more common than hepatitis C.
A recent study of Massachusetts, and reported by the Centers for Disease Control discussion, an increased incidence of hepatitis C among young people between 15 and 24 The increase was also observed in men and women. Incidence of hepatitis C in people of all ages, the frequency of this group is more curiosity. A closer examination of the data showed that the use of drugs (particularly drugs intravenously) and a greater presence of tattoos was much more common in patients with hepatitis C is established. Sharing needles of any kind (IV drug use, tattooing or tattoo needles that are not regulated environment) is a great danger to the public.
Tattoos and hepatitis. The biggest problem with hepatitis is to identify the source and date of infection. Infection of newly acquired hepatitis can, if the average flu among youth seeking essentially "down" days with fatigue, muscle aches, nose or sinuses Since these early symptoms are mild, many young people with acute infection, stay home a few days without ever seeing a doctor than enough to expand to the next victim. Furthermore, no idea that a deadly disease changed thrive on them. She decides to get a tattoo in the basement of a person or on the terrace and infections remain the same, so the increased incidence of hepatitis C among young people alone!
Why can only lead to IV and other drugs? A more detailed analysis of the data shows that men traditionally disadvantaged women in intravenous drug use has. Usually 03/02 to 3 / 4 of IDUs are men, so that the increased incidence of hepatitis C, the proportions to follow, but no. As mentioned above, the demographic composition of the new infections of hepatitis C in this age group for women 50% men and 50% ... statistics and the acquisition of modern tattooing Curious, no?
The 5-7000000 people infected with hepatitis B and C, and as much as two thirds of them have no idea they are infected. This is a problem. Why do not you know they are infected, not a doctor, not knowing that they are very careful about the pollution, not the tattoo shop on the corner. If the CDC recommends toothbrushes, razors or nail clips, as hepatitis is present, without a doubt a tattoo needle sharing, are tubes of paint and Vaseline unaffected. Tattoos and hepatitis.
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