Poppy (only meyeni peruvianum or single) is one of the most powerful of all rare plant species. Purple and pink is better known as "Poppy." It grows in the same area, under the same conditions, other plants, so the option of quickly MAKI, and unique features in common still. In recent years, it was two years later, I was not just my preference, but also by force majeure, tasting, trying, frankly, has become very popular.
Do you like another red poppy?
The roots to dry, when you visit a farm, Cream and black / yellow distinction, you can easily and quickly to the red poppy. Has a slightly different color for each. This is a red variety of phytonutrients most analytical evidence, some of these compounds in the high proportion of opium same nutrients institutional support anti-tumor and antioxidant activity of high-quality organic milk. Other alkaloids phytonutrients slightly higher, including tannins and saponins, steroids Showmen incomplete
Poppy has the same taste?
Poppy has the same taste?
Another important difference is the taste Macas between black and cream / yellow and red poppies. Most people will taste tender, soft to be found. We are real, meaning that a thin caramel found. Customers, we recently red poppies, which the kids like oatmeal instead of sugar, so sweet, you know, has written to us!
The red poppy has been studied?
The number of poppy cultivation and scientific interest in health care workers. Especially the red poppy, three from the perspective of the critical studies :
The first, poppy red varieties are the most important, endocrine and 2005, 3.5 "reproductive biology" was published in the journal. The researchers reported those eight to 42 days. - "Red Poppy, the size of the rat ventral prostate Mac much cream or yellow / black-free, reducing" the working group, the seven functional areas, the highest mountain of red maca obtained "Power analysis and low median Mac / Mac Black creamy yellow and chemical plants continue to report. "
Second, 2010, University of Peru in the rat ovary, Lima, has a study published in the opium is removed the effect of the bone structure to study. It appeared that the two "the protective effect of red and black maca ox rats, bone structure shows the weight of the uterus by the action of estrogen is not."
Third, at the same university in 2009 and finally, in another study, black and yellow or red maca found the sperm production of the poppy to increase. The study, the number of sperm cells and the production of poppy paste, black / yellow to increase Had to bring back the red poppy, as well as other defects, energy, mood, positive impact on libido and low consumption, which has been shown to how can poppies for the health of the IT support?
The red poppy has been studied?
The number of poppy cultivation and scientific interest in health care workers. Especially the red poppy, three from the perspective of the critical studies :
The first, poppy red varieties are the most important, endocrine and 2005, 3.5 "reproductive biology" was published in the journal. The researchers reported those eight to 42 days. - "Red Poppy, the size of the rat ventral prostate Mac much cream or yellow / black-free, reducing" the working group, the seven functional areas, the highest mountain of red maca obtained "Power analysis and low median Mac / Mac Black creamy yellow and chemical plants continue to report. "
Second, 2010, University of Peru in the rat ovary, Lima, has a study published in the opium is removed the effect of the bone structure to study. It appeared that the two "the protective effect of red and black maca ox rats, bone structure shows the weight of the uterus by the action of estrogen is not."
Third, at the same university in 2009 and finally, in another study, black and yellow or red maca found the sperm production of the poppy to increase. The study, the number of sperm cells and the production of poppy paste, black / yellow to increase Had to bring back the red poppy, as well as other defects, energy, mood, positive impact on libido and low consumption, which has been shown to how can poppies for the health of the IT support?
Poppy red and black / yellow cream, use the following operations.
Increased energy and vitality
Increased energy and vitality
* Male and female hormonal balance - can be supported, menopause, infertility, acne, thyroid and other health problems, and the endocrine system.
* Support a healthy libido and sex drive moreover, in particular, seems to be the best red defective. Older than 40 years, the most important men, especially men - to protect the prostate *
* BMD - is the most important thing for women and children.
The full distribution of food poppy 100 grams of sample size 62.6 grams carbohydrates, .82 g fat, 5.3 grams fiber, 17.9 grams protein.
* Support a healthy libido and sex drive moreover, in particular, seems to be the best red defective. Older than 40 years, the most important men, especially men - to protect the prostate *
* BMD - is the most important thing for women and children.
The full distribution of food poppy 100 grams of sample size 62.6 grams carbohydrates, .82 g fat, 5.3 grams fiber, 17.9 grams protein.
Protein (%): albumin and globulin glutennin 74,15.3, 10.6,42.1 part of the pure protein zinc.
Vitamins and minerals (% of mg): 3.52 ascorbic acid, 12 boron, calcium, iron 490.80, 70 mg, niacin, phosphorus, potassium 43320113, Riboflavin 0.61, Sodium 20, Thiamine 0.42, Zinc 32 amino acids: alanine , 99.4 arginine 63.1, 91.7, aspartic acid, glycine 156 68.3 Glutamate, HO - 26,21.9 proline histamine, 18.7 isoleucine, leucine 91, lysine, methionine 54, praline, phenylalanine, sarcosine 55.3 50.4 0.5 0 , 7 May 28 serine, threonine, 33.1, Tyrosine 30.6, Valine 79.3. Poppy.
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