Reduce heat and add:
2 teaspoons fennel seeds
1 teaspoon cardamom seeds, lightly crushed
2 teaspoons dried lemon peel, lightly crushed
1.8 tsp Saffron
1 teaspoon sugar (optional)
Simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let it slide for 5 minutes. To serve, drain and add fresh boiled milk and honey, if desired. It is about 3 1 / 2 cup of tea. You can hot drinks at room temperature.
The Vata dish important tips it is very important for this particular dosha in a daily routine maintenance. This is hard for people to get nervous very nervous, but it is imperative that they provide reliable and want to sleep better.
Vata Tea. When you start to feel better, it is tempting to speak out and fall back into old habits are irregular resist! You need to avoid over-excited, the day of rest, relaxation and reflection (if only 15 minutes twice a day), especially in the afternoon, if you tend to grow and eat a regular basis. Think about what exercise too many things, many things at once, and thought too much too soon.
His type is usually less sleep, but most need to rest their settlement, overloaded nervous system. They are natural night owls.
Gift massage oil every day, especially if:
mild insomnia, when the clock is 2:00 beds
to compensate for the irregular circadian cycle of sleep, that's a lifetime habit of following a strict discipline of massage oil per day.
You need a solid 7-8 hours of sleep and sleep a little later than other dishes, they need to bed early while the rise every morning, including weekends.
Autumn is the season of drought is more common (just look at all the leaves), then you should be aware that what happens in most of the imbalances and loans. This does not look at the end of summer, hot and dry, resulting in rain, humidity, wind, cold and should be avoided in these conditions.
Focus on the stabilization of sweet, bitter, sour, heavy, food, warm oil and herbs, especially in autumn and winter, autumn moved into winter this year. You should drink hot tea and liquids, and avoid caffeine and alcohol. Vata Tea.
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