HIV and AIDS (Immune Syndrome Virus / Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome) are a serious threat in many countries. It is a challenge for many governments and private organizations. HIV infection and AIDS, the immune system of the most complicated step is a disease caused by the AIDS virus. Sensitive to a variety of HIV infection is a weakened immune system. At this stage there is no therapeutic vaccine, AIDS, attention, attention, to determine the deadly disease should be moved.
In addition to HIV infection through sexual relations with the family of the donor's one of the needles, blood and / or infected by contaminated blood products transfused. Infected with HIV through casual contact does not work. They are available with or without contact with other agencies the task of the liquid to reduce the risk of infection and blood poisoning needles or mucus and blood, organs, blood, wounds required objects contaminated bran and HIV infection, the other bare skin.
Terms of Use:
Mode of HIV Transmission, at First glance May.
It is important to get as much information as HIV. Know so they sent a person with HIV infection must be like. Prevented or the risk of HIV infection. Appropriate training and knowledge of infection control procedures.
Second safe work practices.
Work, the risk of HIV infection, if they have an employer is to reduce the risk of infection prevention and control programs are developed. What, you do not want to remove in the exhibition. Replacement, renewal and improvement, HIV and ways to help to reduce the vulnerability of some Employers may be a waste of blood to the pathogens of human health as a process for laboratory, blood and processing methods used for emissions can be reduced.
Thirdly, The Personal Protective Equipment.
These gloves and a mask treatment and care of AIDS patients, the writer, protective equipment, operations and other areas and to prevent infected blood and blood infections. To check all safety equipment properly, after treatment and disinfection if you have a wound and inflammation in the blood or bodx fluid exposure is covered with a waterproof dressing before.
Four,Hand Washing.
Hand washing to reduce the risk of infection is the most effective technique. Hands after contact with body fluids Pireulyina wash with soap and water. Wash your hands with warm water if possible. Blood or body fluids, please contact if you can, check first with water and mucus.
A Sharp Object, with the Five Notes.
Applied to the new surface, or try to break the needle. You have the needles and sharps must be stored in suitable containers. You should always clean the needle. Your blood and body fluids protection and HIV / AIDS, you can use measures to prevent, you need to expose more stringent. Pathogens and other health professionals from the control parameters of blood diseases and prevention program staff have sufficient knowledge of HIV on the risk of the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)-infection of the training. HIV and AIDS.
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